As your Chefsbk site is created, it is automatically authenticated with an SSL certificate, confirming its trustworthiness.
This means that the https:// protocol for your Chefsbk is enabled, confirming the information exchanged from and to the site, on the internet, is done privately and securely through encryption.
Password Protected
Additionally, all Chefsbks are password protected for the Chefsbk owner and any users allocated permissions to view or use the sites.
These log in permissions are maintained through each Chefsbk’s Manage page.
Storage and Back Ups
Your Chefsbk is held on secure servers and accessed in the cloud.
Your Chefsbk is backed up every 24 hours, both by our hosting company, but also by a third party service, just to be on the safe side.
Sharing Info
Most Chefsbk sites have the benefit of the “Share” function allowing users the option to share recipes and even whole menus with other Chefsbk users.
This is secured through firstly the use of an identifier PIN, which is needed by the sender to confirm the receiving site has agreed for content to be sent.
Even then, as an additional safeguard, the receiving site has to confirm receipt.